Validity of the ‘Dunya Hejo (Du-Jo)’ Problem-Based Learning E-Worksheet on Climate Change and Global Warming
Climate change and global warming are critical environmental issues that require effective educational strategies to enhance students' understanding. Student worksheets can play a significant role in facilitating active learning on these topics. This research aims to determine and describe the validity of the "Dunya Hejo (Du-Jo)" E-Worksheet on climate change and global warming. The research method used is the Educational Design Research Plomp model. There are 3 research stages, but this research only consists of 2 stages, namely the initial investigation stage and the design stage. Because this research only describes the validity of the "Dunya Hejo (Du-Jo)" E-Worksheet. Validation was conducted by two media experts, two material experts, and five teachers. This e-worksheet will be used by high school students in class X. Validation results from the experts and teachers indicated that the "Dunya Hejo (Du-Jo)" e-Worksheet received excellent ratings for software engineering, visual communication, and learning design. Therefore, this e-worksheet is suitable for use in climate change and global warming learning activities for class X high school students.
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