All articles in this issue (5 articles) were authored/co-authored by 19 authors from 6 countries ( Indonesia, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine).
Table of Contents
Alkaan Speil Game: Encouraging Higher-Order Thinking in Alkane Learning Material
Erlangga Yoga Perdana, Neneng Windayani, Ferli Septi Irwansyah
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DOI : 10.58524/oler.v3i2.217
Abstract views : 573 times
Designing Ethnomathematics-Enriched Teaching Materials for Fostering Mathematical Creative Thinking for Applications in Online Learning Environments
Rahmat Andri Kurniawan, Suherman Suherman, Komarudin Komarudin, Matteo Zarpellon, Ibrahim Khalil
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DOI : 10.58524/oler.v3i2.281
Abstract views : 563 times
Physics At Home: A Solution to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rita Aprilyawati, Ahmad Naufal Umam
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DOI : 10.58524/oler.v3i2.232
Abstract views : 519 times
Fisikawaii Adventure: An Effort to Increase Students' Learning Participation through Gamification and Virtual Reality
M Vithor Al Faqih, Anggi Widiarni, Nisa Andini, Antomi Saregar, Sergii Sharov, Bawar Mohammed Faraj
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DOI : 10.58524/oler.v3i2.294
Abstract views : 652 times
The Implementation of Accelerated Learning Model Assisted By Autograph on Students' Adaptive Reasoning Ability and Environmental Literacy
Izzatul Amirah, Bambang Sri Anggoro, Wawan Gunawan
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DOI : 10.58524/oler.v3i2.282
Abstract views : 370 times