Augmented reality in the teaching of geometric solids for elementary school: Experience report in a public school

Paulo Vitor da Silva Santiago , Umy Zahroh , Rani Darmayanti


Background: Augmented Reality (AR) integrates virtual objects with the real world on smartphone screens, creating a seemingly seamless blend of both. 
Aim: This research aimed to explore the use of AR in teaching geometric solids to final-year elementary school students. An interactive tool, RA Solids, was employed, originating from a 2023 research experience in a 6th-grade class. 
Method: The study was conducted in a public school with students mostly classified as digital immigrants. The Didactic Engineering methodology was utilized for research. 
Result: The outcomes were positive, showing that the school environment was conducive to implementing the teaching and learning process of geometric solids using digital technology. 
Conclusion: The use of AR in education, specifically in teaching mathematics, demonstrates promising results in enhancing student engagement and understanding, particularly in the context of geometric solids.


Augmented Reality, Didactic Engineering, Geometry, Primary Education.

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